Ezra Veldhuis,
Ezra Veldhuis & Bosse Provoost,
Bosse Provoost,
B, E,
Portretwebsite 3
Bosse Provoost Oshin Albrecht
Chicken kip a pulse

a pul­se with no body a sun with no skyis an instal­la­ti­on for the the­a­ter spa­ce. Ezra and Bosse are again col­la­bo­ra­ting with Benjamin Cools for the sound design.Texts are writ­ten by Bosse.
Together, they cre­a­te a zone in which spec­ta­tors are invi­ted to let go of eve­ry­day modes of loo­king and thin­king and open them­sel­ves to stran­ge, unsus­pec­ted con­nec­ti­ons and affec­ti­ons bet­ween pat­ches of light, pat­ches of sound, bodies and devi­ces. Spectators are sea­ted on the sta­ge, which is span­ned by an arc of light. A voi­ce speaks and spe­cu­la­tes about the sen­so­ry capa­ci­ties and dreams of ani­mals, from spon­ges to rats.
For des­pi­te our dif­fe­ren­ces, we rhy­me biochemically. 

A first ver­si­on of this new instal­la­ti­on will be pre­sen­ted during Playground 2024, a fes­ti­val by STUK and Museum M in Leuven.

Have you ever heard about that game
whe­re you draw part of an ani­mal’s body
on a sheet of paper
and then fold it away
so the next one can start on the legs or the head?

As the paper unfolds
all the­se stran­ge cre­a­tu­res
reve­al them­sel­ves
all the­se dif­fe­rent pur­po­ses and sen­sa­ti­ons
brought together in one body.

Perhaps that game
is whe­re chi­me­ras and sphin­xes come from
and per­haps this is why
the­re are so many dif­fe­rent sha­pes of sphin­xes
lion bodies and goa­t’s legs and women’s heads:
end­less vari­a­ti­ons of inter­ming­led bodies
pro­ces­sing a kalei­do­sco­pic influx of sen­so­ry infor­ma­ti­on

per­haps tho­se peo­p­le playing this game loo­ked at their dra­wings
full of puzz­le­ment
and thought:
this must be a gate­kee­per to other worlds
a wat­cher of the horizon

  • 14.11.24
    Playground Festival, STUK, Leuven (BE)
  • 15.11.24
    Playground Festival, STUK, Leuven (BE)
Ezra Veldhuis, Benjamin Cools, Bosse Provoost
Marieke Schraepen
Technical support
Kato Ooms
Playground (STUK & M, Leuven)
CAMPO, De Auteurs, Kunstenwerkplaats, de Vlaamse Overheid