Ezra Veldhuis,
Ezra Veldhuis & Bosse Provoost,
Bosse Provoost,
B, E,
Portretwebsite 3
Bosse Provoost Oshin Albrecht
VDE0014 © Kurt van der Elst

Moore Bacon! (2015) is the second per­for­man­ce Bosse Provoost made with Kobe Chielens.

The ques­ti­on at the basis of this per­for­man­ce was: how can a body on sta­ge (see­min­gly) trans­cend the limita­ti­ons of its ana­to­my and appear as uncan­ny, abstrac­ted, rup­tu­red or fluid as bodies in sto­ne (Henry Moore), paint (Francis Bacon) or ani­ma­ted film (Walerian Borowczyk)?

To tac­kle this ques­ti­on, Kobe Chielens and Bosse Provoost appea­led to the con­trol that a black box exerts over its visi­tors. Most audi­to­ri­ums allow a maxi­mum of dark­ness and silen­ce, and the dis­tan­ce from a spec­ta­tor to an ima­ge can be mea­su­red pre­ci­se­ly.
A cand­le, a stro­be and a red bicy­cle light are the only sour­ces of light.

In the per­for­man­ce, a nak­ed body is sub­jec­ted to an inter­play bet­ween the subt­le gra­dients of light and dark­ness. The (head­less) body is see­min­gly torn apart and assu­mes impos­si­ble forms: it stret­ches, shrinks and explo­des, only to pre­sent itself to us again in a new form. The eye of the vie­wer is con­stant­ly play­ed with. Textures, sha­pes and colors emer­ge from the spec­ta­tor’s own ima­gi­na­ti­on rather than from what is actu­al­ly hap­pe­ning on sta­ge. Every act of per­cep­ti­on is, to some degree, an act of creation.

  • 01.06.19
    ACT Festival, Bilbao (ES)
  • 17.03.18
    De Oosterpoort, Groningen (NL)
  • 16.03.18
    Schouwburg de Lawei, Drachten (NL)
  • 15.03.18
    Schouwburg en Filmtheater Agnietenhof, Tiel (NL)
  • 14.03.18
    Theater aan het Spui, Den Haag (NL)
  • 13.03.18
    Theater de Veste, Delft (NL)
  • 01.03.18
    Axis Arts Centre, Crewe (UK)
  • 23.02.18
    CC Ghybe, Poeperinge (BE)
  • 08.07.17
    Flare Festival, Manchester (UK)
  • 25—26.11.16
    Jonge Harten Festival, Groningen (NL)
  • 24.11.16
    Toneelschuur, Haarlem (NL)
  • 28.10.16
    Theater aan de Slinger, Houten (NL)
  • 27.10.16
    Theater De Vest, Alkmaar (NL)
  • 25.10.16
    Zwolse Theaters, Zwolle (NL)
  • 21—22.10.16
    Theater Bellevue, Amsterdam (NL)
  • 18.10.16
    Stadsschouwburg Groningen (NL)
  • 14.10.16
    Theater De Nieuwe Vorst, Tilburg (NL)
  • 12.10.16
    Stadstheater Arnhem (NL)
  • 07.10.16
    Theaters Ins Blau, Leiden (NL)
  • 06.10.16
    Theater aan het Spui, Den Haag (NL)
  • 04—05.10.16
    Theater Kikker, Utrecht (NL)
  • 30.09.16
    De Lieve Vrouw, Amersfoort (NL)
  • 29.09.16
    Junushoff, Wageningen (NL)
  • 23.09.16
    Pand P, Eindhoven (NL)
  • 16.09.16
    Love At First Sight Festival, Antwerpen (BE)
  • 12—13.08.16
    Boulevard Festival, Den Bosch (NL)
  • 31.07—05.08.16
    Theater Aan Zee, Oostende (BE)
  • 27.06.16
    ITs Festival, Amsterdam (NL)
  • 24.03.16
    TUMULT Festival, CAMPO Victoria,Gent (BE)
  • 20—22.12.15
    LOD Studio, Gent (BE)
  • 20.11.15
    X-TRACT Festival, De Werf, Brugge (BE) (première)
Creation & performance
Kobe Chielens
Bosse Provoost
Abel Provoost
Chantal Pollier
Dramaturgical advice
Bauke Lievens
Many thanks to
Geert Belpaeme, Koenraad Vandersyppe, Kunstencentrum De Werf, De Grote Post, Kunstencentrum BUDA, KASK Drama
VDE0057 © Kurt van der Elst
VDE0034 © Kurt van der Elst
VDE0051 © Kurt van der Elst
VDE0029 © Kurt van der Elst
VDE0101 © Kurt van der Elst
Jolien Fagard Moore Bacon Kobe Chielens Bosse Provoost © Jolien Fagard