Ezra Veldhuis,
Ezra Veldhuis & Bosse Provoost,
Bosse Provoost,
B, E,
Portretwebsite 3
Bosse Provoost Oshin Albrecht
Hetpersoneel workshop 2022


Workshop (Ezra & Bosse)
col­la­bo­ra­ti­on with Extinction RebellionUtrecht for SPRING Academy.
In this work­shop, par­ti­ci­pants (with back­grounds in aci­ti­vism, the arts and aca­de­mia) cre­a­ted a short instal­la­ti­on-pro­test’. The the­me of the pro­test was tech­no-opti­mism.

(Ezra & Bosse)
Planet Winter
is the gra­du­a­ti­on per­for­man­ce at KASK Drama of Bavo Buys and Malique Fye.
Based on the sci­en­ce fic­ti­on clas­sic The Left Hand of Darkness (1969) by Ursula K. Le Guin.

Mentoring (Ezra & Bosse)
offer­pleng­sters is the gra­du­a­ti­on per­for­man­ce at Toneelacademie Maastricht of Beaudine Dermine and Varenka Theunynck.
Based on the second part of Aeschylus’ Oresteia.Created and per­for­med at Westerbegraafplaats in Gent for NTGent’s ALL GREEKS Festival.


(Ezra & Bosse)
In November, NEXT Festival invi­ted Bosse and Ezra to give a work­shop in Le Phénix in Valenciennes (FR).
A group of midd­le school stu­dents lear­ned how to work with fly­bars, lights and inter­com head­sets in the the­a­tre to cre­a­te their own tech­ni­cal bal­let’. The wor­king method was based on the tech­ni­cal impro­vi­sa­ti­ons Bosse and Ezra did with Toneelhuis’ tech­ni­cal crew to cre­a­te Indoor Weather.

In September, CAMPOinvited Bosse to give a two-day work­shop at their After Summer School.
For this work­shop, Bosse wan­ted to pro­po­se and explo­re non-nar­ra­ti­ve stra­te­gies to struc­tu­re a per­for­man­ce and play with mea­ning.
The par­ti­ci­pa­ting stu­dents, from dif­fe­rent schools and trai­ning for various artis­tic dis­ci­pli­nes, used the prin­ci­ples of a lands­ca­pe dra­ma­tur­gy’ to sta­ge the poem All Watched Over by Machines of Loving Grace by Richard Brautigan.

On the 1st day, after rea­ding and dis­cus­sing the poem together, the stu­dents made sket­ches and snip­pets of mate­ri­al based on the poem (audio, move­ment phra­ses, objects, video, a cho­re­o­grap­hy of moto­ri­zed shut­ters in front of the cei­ling win­dows ope­ning and clo­sing…), that each had their own auto­no­mous logic.
On the 2nd day, the­se mate­ri­als were brought together on sta­ge. The stu­dents obser­ved what hap­pe­ned: what occu­pies a lot of atten­ti­on, what gets sub­su­med, what coin­ci­den­ces gene­ra­te unex­pec­ted mea­nings? They were then asked to think about what com­po­si­ti­ons they could cre­a­te with this mate­ri­al that would cre­a­te relief, both sen­so­ry and con­cep­tu­al, even­tu­al­ly resul­ting in a 25 minu­te per­for­man­ce-instal­la­ti­on.

(Ezra & Bosse)
Het per­so­neel
is the gra­du­a­ti­on per­for­man­ce by Matilde Casier, Celestes de Vlam, Luca Persan and Ella Boomsma at KASK Drama.
They star­ted from The Employees by Danish poet Olga Ravn. In this per­for­man­ce, the ques­ti­on what it means to be human’ is moved to a spa­ce whe­re non-human fel­low actors are also in the spot­light.

, per­for­man­ce by Runa Robbroeckx, Femke Van der Steen, Tristan Feyten en Stan Martens
OVER//HERE is a fluf­fy maquet­te of the end of the world, a sci­en­ce fic­ti­on come­dy about that which can­not be taken on the roc­ket ship.

Mentoring (Bosse)
Ummm Yeah Okay And? Graduation pie­ce at ArtEZ University of the Arts of Ryan O’Shea.

February — March


In spring 2022, Ezra Veldhuis and Bosse Provoost gave a two-week work­shop to the Masters Theater and Film Studies at the University of Antwerp.

They wor­ked with twen­ty-one stu­dents in Stormkop, a kind of freespa­ce in the har­bor of Antwerp. The work­shop con­sisted of a phy­si­cal and spa­ti­al trans­la­ti­on of Olga Ravn’s sci­en­ce fic­ti­on novel­la The Employees (short­li­sted for the International Booker Prize 2021). The book is com­po­sed of tes­ti­mo­nies of employ­ees, human and huma­noid, who give us a frag­men­ta­ry insight on the ins and outs of a spa­ceship that has stum­b­led upon a pla­net of alien objects, evo­king all kinds of fee­lings and sen­sa­ti­ons that tho­rough­ly dis­turb the labor regime on the ship.

Choreographic and com­po­si­ti­o­nal prin­ci­ples were explo­red to depict a rigid work regime that is gra­du­al­ly unra­ve­ling, and per­for­ma­ti­ve stra­te­gies to explo­re the (non-)humanity of androids and cyborgs.



In October 2020, Bosse Provoost wor­ked for a month with five stu­dents of Woordkunst at the Antwerp Conservatory. The goal of the pro­ject was to sta­ge Paul Celan’s col­lec­ti­on of poems Shneepart (Sneeuwpartij / Snowpart).
Celan’s lan­gu­a­ge is so com­plex, den­se and kalei­do­sco­pic that it for­ces a per­for­mer to make strong per­for­ma­ti­ve choi­ces to make poems tan­gi­ble. As a spec­ta­tor, you wit­nes­sed per­for­mers wrest­ling with lan­gu­a­ge, figh­ting to get some­thing sha­red. Very fit­tin­gly, brid­ging an (impas­sa­ble) divi­de bet­ween wri­ter and rea­der as well as bet­ween the living and the dead is also a major the­me in Celan’s poe­try.

was publis­hed after Paul Celan’s death in 1970 and it deals pri­ma­ri­ly with the the­me of self-inten­ded death. The insi­de of death” is being ima­gi­ned. Plants and beet­les are descri­bed as bro­thers and sis­ters, death as both an arri­val and a des­cent. In addi­ti­on, the Shoah, the soci­al unrest of the late 1960s and the spa­ce race also recur regu­lar­ly in the collection.

Hetpersoneel 2022c Masters TFL UAntwerpen, Het personeel
Hetpersoneel workshop 2022 Masters TFL UAntwerpen, Het personeel
120664004 1121199098277236 2159474072372090211 n Bachelor 3 Woordkunst, Conservatorium Antwerpen